Wondering if you need a Florida Contractor License? Do you want to know how much it costs? Or, in addition, how to get one? Read below to learn more about the process.
Who needs a Florida Contractor License?
The quick answer to the question above is most major trades. The long answer is listed below:
- Air Conditioning
- Building
- Electrical
- General
- Glass/Glazing
- Mechanical
- Plumbing
- Pollutant Storage Systems
- Pool/Spa
- Residential
- Roofing
- Sheet Metal
- Solar
- Specialty
- Underground Utility Excavation
The trades listed above require state licensing. Additionally, some license types also require local registration. We’ll discuss this further in the next paragraph.
Registered or Certified Florida Contractor License?
Florida has two different license types called registered and certified. However, these license types apply to each of the trades listed above. Registered licenses allow to work within a city or county. Certified licenses allow you to work throughout the State of Florida. So, with that in mind, which license type do you need? The answer is simple and depends on where you want to work. If you want more information, you can learn more about certified and registered contractors here.
How much does a Florida construction license cost?
Your Florida construction license cost depends on the two things listed below:
- The type of construction license – Ex. Registered or Certified; and
- The timing of your application.
In the paragraph above, we discussed registered and certified contractor licenses. Registered licenses are more expensive than certified licenses. However, a registered license doesn’t require you to pass the state exam. A brief example of your state fees are listed below:
- Certified Contractors – $149-249
- Registered Contractors – $209-309
Please note that the fees mentioned above are subject to change at anytime. They’re set by the State of Florida and depend on when your application is submitted.
What else is needed for a Florida Contractor License?
Again, this depends on your license type. However, all license types require fingerprinting, background checks, insurance, and, in some cases, surety bonds. The previous answer could also change if you’re qualifying a business with your license. You may be required to get a financially responsible officer. Each case is different and depends on your situation.
Do you want help applying for your Florida Contractor License?
If so, we can help! The License Company helps contractors around the country with their licensing needs. More often than not, we can get you licensed faster and easier than going it alone. In fact, many of our clients come to us only after being denied by the CILB. We take you from start to finish beginning with your application. Next, we help you meet its requirements. Finally, we submit your application and work with the state on your behalf. Learn more about what we do or apply online today!