IATAN Travel Agency Accreditation

Why obtain IATAN Accreditation?

Are you located in the United States and want to get an IATAN number? Looking national recognition of your travel agency? If so, you should consider becoming accredited with the International Airlines Travel Agent Network. Start earning commissions on your travel agency sales today! Additionally, learn how The License Company makes getting your IATAN number easily and quickly.

Here’s how it works:

  • Help us help you! – Complete the form below to learn more about the costs and process of getting your IATAN number.
  • Click the Learn More button below – Find out more about how to get your license, how we can help, and other helpful licensing information.

On the next page you’ll find helpful information such as the IATAN costs and the process of how to get your travel agency number. You’ll also see ways that The License Company can assist you in getting your license. Or, if you’re ready to get started on your license today, you’ll be able apply online for our license application processing services immediately.

Please complete the form below to learn more!