Do you need more than one license? We can help! Learn more about our multiple state licensing program below.
Who needs more than one license?
Many businesses require more than one license. Contractors, travel agencies, and businesses operating in more than one state often need multiple licenses. In some cases, each county, city, and town will require a separate license or permit. This is true for most regulated industries like insurance, construction, and others.
How do I know if I need more than one license?
The number of licenses you need often depends on your business model. For example: You may need to be licensed in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, etc. if your company operates in the Southeast. Additionally, you may need to register with each of their state departments regardless. The best way to find out is by looking at your current or planned operations. Then you can identify local, state, and federal licensing requirements for your business.
How much does multi-state licensing cost?
The cost depends on how many licenses you need. Additionally, there may be other registration costs related to your licenses. These costs can include resident agents, surety bonds, and state registrations.
Each state or municipality charges a different fee for licensing and registration. Most of these fees are less than $300. Some are as low as $15. Again, the total cost depends on your particular business.
Do you need help with multiple state licensing?
You’re in the right place! Our company helps individuals and businesses obtain professional licenses. Whether it’s one state or all fifty, we can help you get licensed fast and easy! Learn how we can help or apply online and get started today.